Thursday, November 26, 2009


I was so pumped to wake up from a "meeting the band" dream last night. I've had them before - favorite band is playing somewhere, I enjoy the show, I somehow get backstage or meetup with the band and it's totally awesome. Last night, it was one of my old-school favorites, Silverchair.

I was at some night-time event with an acquaintance (no idea who) and realized that it was getting late so I should head home. I was about to start walking up 2nd Street in Hayward, past Hayward High (no idea why I was right there) when I recognized a song being played by the band under the platform that I was on (oh yeah, there was a platform and I guess I was on it). I looked down and it was Daniel Johns at the microphone!

I said aloud (in the dream), "How did I not know that Silverchair was playing tonight?!". Whoever I was with still had to go home so I descended down the hill alone to where the concert was taking place.

Now this is a novel concept, I was alone in my dream. I am rarely alone in real life and that's why I think I'm always with at least one other person in my dreams, even if they are faceless and nameless. But tonight I was on the town alone and I acknowledged that this was unusual. And I was myself this time, not looking down on someone else or through someone else's eyes as my dreams are wont to do.

Anyway, so I get down the concert area solo but the band has already stopped playing. It's always been a dream of mine to wait for an extended period of time after a concert to see if the band ever comes out from backstage, but I've never been able to because I'm always with someone who doesn't want to stay or I have to get up early the next morning or something. But in this dream, I was just going to hang out and see if I could catch up with the band.

It wasn't long before Daniel Johns (should I call him Daniel or DJ? Maybe Danny?) came out and we were instantly hanging out and were awesome friends. Then I think he sort of morphed into someone else and the coolness faded away, but for just a minute, I was kicking it with one of my all time favorites - Danny Johns of Silverchair.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Action Film on Hemmingway Court

I often have eventful dreams, we all know this. Finding time to write down all the madness is more challenging than just being there for the dreams. Sometimes I wake up in the morning, open a Word file, jot a basic storyline down so that I don't forget and then come back later that night and finish the story.

Last week I used this tactic on two different days but neither day did I remember to come back and finish the story of the dreams. Low and behold, a week later, these stories are just as unknown to me as if a they were on a debuting House episode (not a bad idea, actually...). I thought I would try to share the madness anyway, or at least give you a very piecewise (read: half assed) glimpse into two semi-interesting dreams.

Dream #1: Stress with the Kitty

Kane and I had driven down to SLO to collect our cat from Steve, the volunteer coordinator at Woods Humane Society. We had left her with Steve when we left (in reality we left her with our friend Eric) and wanted to pick her up and drive back up to the Bay the same day. As we approached Woods, I realized that it was already 5:30pm and that the shelter closed at 6. The shelter looked nothing like it did in real life and we could not find Steve in the facility, which closely resembled the Rainforest Cafe. I was getting very stressed out since we couldn't find Steve and the place was about to close. We had wanted to drive back that night and now might have to stay the night since we couldn't find him!

Dream #2: Action Film on Hemmingway Court

I have some really basic notes from this dream and I remember almost none of it. But it was so funny for me to re-read that I thought I'd give it a shot. This dream took place at the top of Hemmingway Court (where my mom lives), as so many of my dreams do. This was another one of my "movie" style dreams and I was the main character, a man.

The "bad guys" put me in some sort of a sling and swung me around until I flew out and landed hard on the ground. I was badly injured. They were then going to shoot me at the top of the court but they kept delaying. The climactic "ending" to the movie took place in my mom's garage. Andi (an old friend from Planet Lazer days) was one of the bad guys' sidekicks and she was always walking around complaining about how a DD size bra is too small. She started making out with one of the other bad guy sidekicks and I realize she's like a double agent as she hits him and then hides him in the garage just as the main bad guy comes into the garage from the house.

I hide to the side of the garage under some white cover cloths and it's super obvious that I'm there, like how a three year old might hide. But it's my dream so it's working. Andi saunters over and starts to flirt with the main villain man and then I jump up and stab him with the giant syringe costume I'm suddenly wearing. (Wait, recap, I'm wearing a giant syringe costume and I stab a bad guy with the needle of the costume. Excellent.) Andi sees this and runs away.

I'm all happy that I've saved the day, but then I realize that I didn't free the dog that's trapped in the house (duh!). I run back inside to free the dog even though I know that the ending of the "movie" shows the dog killing me. I was about to find the dog but was awoken by a phone call.

Dream Stalkers

My friend Jon sometimes emails me with parts of his dreams that are particularly crazy or funny. Or crazy funny. Apparently I'm not the only one with ridiculous dreams. I woke up this morning to this email:

"I had a dream two nights ago that you, me and Kane were vacationing somewhere and staying in a hostel. We met a couple of girls and made plans to meet up with them the next day.

Last night, one of the girls interrupted a completely different dream because we had never called them. Good times."

Gotta love pretend people who stalk you from dream to dream. I certainly do.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Run from the Bees

We were at my mom's house, but my mom lived in Max's house next door instead of her real house. The floorplan was all jumbled around (not matching my mom's real house or Max's real house) but, as usual, I didn't seem to mind or notice. It was like old times when I was a kid and families were out in the court chatting, skating, biking, and playing. It was an oppressively hot and Costco-bright sunny day.

I was outside walking around in the front yard and talking to neighbors/family who were also milling around. It was a nice atmosphere. Suddenly a swarm of bees came through the court and everyone was scared. This actually happened once when I was a kid (remember, Alicia?) and we had run inside to escape the bees. They were gone after five minutes. In my dream it was, of course, not that nice (or simple).

The bees were mostly flying by up high, but many of them swooped to check us humans out. They didn't seem to be stinging but they were flying around people's heads, arms, and legs and everyone was swatting and running around. I decided to run a loop around the block so that no bees could land on me but it didn't seem to help much. I ran down the hill, gliding on one foot at a time as though I were on skates, and then back up again with bees landing on my legs and in my hair the whole way.

As I ran I was alternating brushing my hands down my legs, arms and over my head to keep them away. I finally got back up the hill and realized my tactic wasn't really working but that it was making me quite tired from all the running in the sun. I ran into our kitchen through the garage (it was the same kitchen but mirrored and re-arranged somehow) to escape the bees and it seemed to help since they hadn't gotten in the house yet.

I think it was the type of dream where I was twitching (or at least tense) like a doggie in my bed in real life.