Last night Kane and I were discussing what we were going to wear to Dave's wedding, which is at the end of this month. I have a dress that I never wear and I was thinking it might be appropriate. But I never wear dresses -- is this dress too fancy? I'm not sure. The jury is out - we'll see how it goes.
Apparently this discussion weaseled its way into my dream world; we were holding Dave's wedding here at my mom's house in my dream. The continuity of it has faded since awakening, but I do remember that we were getting ready for the event and setting everything up. People were supposed to arrive at 8pm. Dave was running all around getting things ready and I stopped him to show him that I wrapped up individual silverware settings in 49ers napkins for all the guests. I raised a confident eyebrow as I handed him a handful the place settings - I was clearly saving him lots of time and energy by having pre-wrapped all the dinnerware. I'm so helpful.
About a half hour before anyone was supposed to arrive I realized that I didn't have any Regina Spektor CDs. I have MP3 CDs (legally purchased, thank you very much) but no hard copy CDs to play on the stereo. This was not going to do; I had to run to the CD store. I got in my car and drove to San Lorenzo to make my emergency purchase at Rasputin and raced back. By the time I returned the guests had arrived and the party was in full swing.
There were round tables in a dimly lit dining area (this was clearly not my mom's house) with designated guests sitting at each table, along with lots of people mingling around the room. I saw Dave and Sarah's table and went over to ask how everything was going. Dave said everything was fine, but Sarah looked like she felt sick. She was hunched over in her seat and wasn't talking to anyone. I asked her if she felt ok and she said her stomach hurt. I thought I should get her some medicine. Her hair was curly (she had curled it for the event) and looked really nice, so I told her so. She was, curiously, not wearing a wedding dress.
I don't remember what I was wearing either, so no omen was provided into what I should wear to the actual wedding.
At some point during this dream, I adjusted my position in the bed (in real life). I moved my head on the pillow and smacked Kane's forehead with my nose. I said sorry and he rolled over mumbling "oughhhh", as though I hurt him. I proceeded to explain that it was my nose hitting his forehead and that there was no way that hurt him. His response was another "oughhh".