Saturday, March 26, 2011

John Lennon

I was at some event and John Lennon was there. He was leaning in a doorway and I went over to talk to him. He was very tall and spoke to me about how he was the only one of all the people he knew who was faithful to his wife and how important that was to him. He said that William Shatner was the only other guy he'd ever met who was faithful to his wife also.

Later, John Lennon tried to make out with me and I wondered what he considered faithful.

Bar and Transexual Robby

My sister's bar opened today, in real life. Last night I had a dream that the bar opened and my dad was bartending. There were lots of people there and he was working hard to get all their orders quickly. He was sweating a lot and his face was red as he worked.

I was milling around when our sorta-cousin Robby came in. He had decided he wanted to be a woman and wore a blond shoulder-length wig. His new name was Cheryl and I struggled to call him that instead of Robby. But I respected his decision and tried to act normal about it.

He hadn't shaved his beard in a while though, which I thought was an odd choice if he was going to be a woman from now on.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Zombie House

It was night time in a house. Lots of people were there, sort of like a party. Lots of dogs and cats too.

I went out of the apartment to the hall. I must have heard something. I saw a dog in the next room. It was very dark. I saw the dog, it was big. I couldn't yet tell if it was a zombie dog.

It ran over to me. I hesitated but it seemed to be ok. It was a St. Bernard. There was a door in the other room where the dog had been that was open to the outside. It was letting in a stream of streetlight into the room. It was very quiet.

I took the dog and went back to the apartment with the party. I asked the main guy if the dog was his. I guess it wasn't but he was pretty much taking in all the homeless animals whose parents had become zombies, so I let the dog wander around in the apartment.

Everyone continued with their partying. Apparently there were zombies outside but they didn't pay us any mind. We kept the doors locked at night but they'd never really tried to get in. And they hid during the day so we never really had any interaction with them.

Suddenly a kid at the party gasped and beckoned me to look out the window. I peeked out to see a sea of faces, all yelling and waving their arms.

They didn't appear to see me but they were only a few feet away from me through the glass. They could easily break the glass if they tried, I'm not sure if they realized that. I was very scared.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cat's Out of the Bag

We were moving out of the house where we lived. It wasn't the house we really live in or any house I've ever actually seen before. We'd packed almost everything and I was just waiting until everything was in the car before I packed up our 5 cats and 1 kitten to bring them with us.

When I thought everything was ready, I took the 6 cats and placed them neatly in a duffel bag. They lay down in two rows of three, head to toe, and went to sleep in the bag. The bag didn't fall in on them like a normal bag would, instead it held it's shape like a box. I peeked in at the kitties; they were so cute all sleeping in a row.

Just when I was going to put the cats in the car, I realized that a TV and DVD player were still hooked up. I yelled at Trevor to unplug them and load them into the car right now before the cats woke up.

It took too long and the cats all crawled out of the bag. I was pissed. They went all different directions and I knew it was going to be very difficult to gather them all again.

We took a break and went to the grocery store that was pretty much attached to part of the house. I was going to buy something and saw Katy Perry in line. She had a blue sequined tube top on. She was with a really short man and I was confused because clearly she could do better.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I just realized my last two dream posts involved helicopters. What the heck is that about?

Helicopter in the Chandelier

I was at a party, something like a huge wedding or ball. There were enormous hallways with three- or four-story high ceilings and a huge ballroom. I was walking around with Alicia because some of her friends were mad at her. At one point, Courtney walked up to us and yelled at Alicia for some reason. Alicia was super sad. I was walking around with my arms around her in a hug to protect her.

Alicia was gone but I was still at the ball. I saw Marc S. and went over to say hi. He put his arm over my shoulders and we chatted. There were tons of people there, he knew some of them. There was a group playing duck-duck-goose or something nearby and everyone was super raucous. Marc and I started to wrestle on the ground, even though it was a fancy event. We were having fun but I told him he was drunk (his breath smelled like beer) and he got mad and turned into a cake.

I tried to apologize to the cake and tell him I was sorry, but I did truly think he was drunk. The cake was small and round with chocolate frosting and sparkly blue and green jewels on it. I picked it up and took it with me as I walked to the main ballroom.

The cake was no longer Marc, it was now just a cake. I sat down in a corner of the ballroom by myself away from all the people and ate the entire cake. Even in my dream I thought that was a fat ass thing to do. The ballroom was filled with people and the ceilings were very high just like the rest of the building. There were massive glass chandeliers in the ceiling.

A helicopter flew into the ballroom from one of the entrances. It had people partying on it; we were suddenly at a high school event (maybe our reunion?) because all the girls on the helicopter were from my class in high school. They were having a great time and hollering as their helicopter barely missed the main chandelier. Someone told me that the group of girls on the helicopter had paid $80,000 to fly it through the ballroom like that. I thought that was insane.

Soon another helicopter of party people came through, though this one totally looked like it hit the chandelier. I guessed that it didn't as it flew through unscathed. I think one more came through that same entrance after that.

Then another helicopter came through another entrance. The woman flying this one didn't look very sure of herself. She yelled down, "am I going to hit the chandelier?", and I said I didn't think so. She kept flying very slowly forward but suddenly the propeller stopped and they froze in mid-air for a split second.

Then the nose of the craft took a dive and the plane (it was a plane now, the kind with an open top like from the '40s) went straight into the ground. There were four girls in the back of the plane seated in two rows of two and the pilot was in the front. They crashed such that the front of the plane back to where the pilot sat was through the floor. The other girls lie in a bloody mess still in the plane which stuck up vertically out of the floor.

Everyone in the room just froze and stared. I yelled out for someone to call 911 but no one moved. I ran over to the plane and got out my phone while trying to clear the debris off the girls in the back of the plane. They had bloody faces (though they were face down so I couldn't actually see their faces) but I thought they might still be ok since they only fell from about 30 feet.

I could not figure how to dial 911 on my phone. I couldn't get to the dialer screen and it was super frustrating. Everyone was still frozen; no one helped. I yelled for Kane to throw me his phone since it's the normal kind with actual buttons for numbers (mine is a touch screen). I dialed 991 twice before finally dialing 911. An answering machine picked up and I had to listen to a menu and dial a number for the correct department. I couldn't pay attention to the menu and was extremely irritated that they would have a menu on the 911 line!

I finally cleared one of the girls from the plane. Laying on the ground she was a magazine though, not a girl. I felt her heart beat (yes, the magazine had a heart beat) and it was strong but erratic. I knew if we could just get an ambulance she would probably be ok; they all would. I woke up before I could get help.