Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tattoo Me

Dreamed: Wednesday Night March 25

I don't remember much about this dream, but I do remember that I had a handful of rad tattoos. I've always respected a well-placed and interesting tattoo*, as long as it's on someone else. I don't have anything that I'm excited about enough, nor can I envision a part of my body that will not someday be fat or wrinkly or both and where I could happily nestle a tattoo. Would I be a small tattoo person? Small, cute, hardly any harm? Or would I be all gung-ho about it: if you're going to do it, do it! I'm not really sure, maybe that's part of the reason I don't have one. I'm just not bold enough.

But back to the dream. I was staying in some house, and I'm not sure if it was a friend's house or if I was like a vagabond or what (aren't dreams great that way?) but we all got up in the morning to compare tattoos for some reason. I was the only person who showed up for this ritual, however, so I found myself in the wood-floored hallway with the house dog (small, white, long hair, perky) taking a gander at my own tattoos.

I had about six and they were somehow tastefully placed around my body such that I didn't appear as the "girl with all those tattoos". I had gotten the designs to go in pairs. The pairs of similarly themed tattoos were each done in a certain style or color such that they were related but not the same. The only one I really remember was one all across my lower back, about 4" tall and 12" wide. It was a colorful drawing of horizontal lines with dots and stuff interspersed, somewhat resembling a music staff, but in a magical dreamy sort of way that makes things cooler than they could be in real life. It sort of makes me want a tattoo.

*Note that I equally despise and mock a poorly placed or badly planned tattoo. And I have lukewarm feelings about tattoos that seem all too common (e.x. the ubiquitous "tramp stamp").

1 comment:

  1. oh god. tattoo dreams. HATE THEM.

    i once dreamt that i was drunk and let someone tattoo cartman (from south park) all over the top of my forearm (what is that area called? the behindarm?) and in my dream i sobered up and started freaking out about the tattoo and then devon quirk tried to tell me about homeopathic tattoo removal remedies.


    at least it wasn't a tramp stamp. :-)
