Saturday, May 9, 2009

Volcano Vacation

Dreamed: Friday night May 8

I've been sleeping very oddly this last week - my sleep patterns seem to come in weekly batches. Sometimes I sleep like a damn rock. I plunge immediately into the depths of unconsciousness at night and am groggily wrenched from this state with the morning alarm. Other times I am more fitful and toss around semi-conscious throughout the night. Other times I awaken more readily at the alarm, approaching the behavior of a normal person. This week I slept well but woke up with a mild headache 5 minutes before my alarm each day. The reason I kept waking up just before the alarm is because my dreams kept ending, like a movie. The dreams stop and my mind is like, uh, I guess we wake up now? It's all quite odd.

I've gotten some really good ones in this week but have essentially been too lazy to document them. I know, you're heartbroken because you've been watching the blog feverishly. Oh wait, no one cares about my dreams, I forgot.

Last night I had two memorable dreams - my body awoke at 7am this morning just after the end of crazy kangaroo dream, then went back to sleep for this one. My sister had come to visit me in this dream, and we went out together to explore the city together. It wasn't exactly Melbourne, but I think it was close. We were waiting at a tram stop when the station itself started to drift carelessly down the tram tracks. It was a very tiny platform, so we just stayed on since it seemed to be heading in the direction we wanted to go.

We arrived downtown - which was a normal city with tall buildings, etc built adjacent a sweet lake or river across from beautiful mountains. The water's edge was a nice place to walk with parks and restaurants (completely fictional, of course), so we started to meander. A few minutes into our walk I looked up to see a huge silvery blob high up in the air plummeting down into the park behind us. It looked like an airborne avalanche of snow*, but for some reason I knew it was the volcano across the river erupting.

Down the esplanade I could see lava consuming the pavement and anything in its path. It was coming our way. I was completely panicked. I thought we should run but I realized that if even the river of lava so much as brushed our legs we'd be done for. It was a matter of being lucky enough not to be right where the lava was flowing.

Fortunately, this city (I think it was Hawaii actually) was used to this sort of disruption and the lava/fires were promptly tended to and business continued as usual. Apparently the volcano wasn't too serious this time and no one seemed to mind.

*It was moving in slow motion - I just saw the new Star Trek movie last night.

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