Saturday, January 23, 2010

Snow Games

These were no ordinary games but instead were an intense competition. There were two teams of people competing against each other in an elaborate competition, sort of like a triathlon, but all weird events instead of swimming, biking, or running (thank goodness, then I had a chance).

Each group had about 20 people, none of whom I knew. I also did not know where we were or why I was in this competition, but it did not matter. We all started out in a gym together; we had eleven days to train for the competition. I was going to start on the treadmill and then do kicking and punching drills (oh yeah, it was that kind of competition), but the trainer recommended otherwise, though I don't remember what he said.

The first event was a doubles team test where you have to steal a certain item from a house without being attacked by the dog or prompting the residents, or any nearby residents, to call the cops. My partner and I had to steal a yellow gardening glove from this woman's garage.

The only problem was the dog. It was a doberman but it was about the size of a lifeboat. It had a normal head and legs but a huuugely fat and ridiculous looking body. In reality, it would not have been able to walk. It was undecided about whether to bite us or sniff us; I as encouraging sniffing. We ended up arousing suspicion among two of the neighbors (as we ran from the dog), but they did not call the police. The woman who lived in the house was fast asleep (we could hear her loud snoring), and we won the dog over enough to escape without being detected. Challenge one: check!

The next challenge was more difficult. We (same two partners in the competition) had to chase down and tag two men in the snow. It was sort of like hide and seek except that the people we were chasing were like native snow people and could maneuver and hide in the snow like nobody's business. So they set off and a few minutes later we were allowed to go chase them.

By some fluke I found the first guy before he could hide somewhere. He was sliding down this little hill with this crazy scythe-like instrument that he used to dive into the snow. I caught him off guard and tagged him and took his little scythe to help me in the snow. Yeay!

The second guy was going to be more difficult to find because there were three guys that looked very similar and I couldn't remember which we had to find, and because we totally didn't see which way he went down the hill and there were many forks in the snowy hill road. After finding that we were after #19 (or was it #17?) I chose one way to go and ended up in some sort of facility at the bottom of the hill. There was a cafe, but behind that was some sort of manufacturing facility where people from the competition were working for some reason.

I waited in hiding while spying on the people to see if our guy was there. I saw him working, but he saw me also and hid in some locked room where no one would let me in. I waited a really long time for him and he finally came out and I ambushed him and tagged him. We had won! I'm not sure if we won the whole competition because I think other people had finished faster than we did, but we still had accomplished our tasks.

For some reason my Dad was suddenly there with me and helped lift me out of the manufacturing facility because there were no stairs and I was exhausted.

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