Friday, February 5, 2010

Hayward Hills Bar

Last night I had a plethora of dreams, 3 of which I remembered clearly upon waking. I checked to see if it was a full moon or something (yes, I really did check), but it wasn't. Guess I was just busy-brained.

This was the first of the dreams so I don't remember it as clearly. Miki Harris and I were at a bar that was only a couple blocks from our houses. It was down by Tribune near the pizza place, where there is currently just a field on a hill. The room was small and dark (as bars tend to be) with tables and not many people.

I remember the bartender being very friendly and giving us a couple free drinks. He wanted us to stay for a while, probably because having young women in your bar helps tremendously with business. I didn't want to stay, but was stoked at the free drinks. I decided to walk home, but I think I was on the cell phone or distracted in some other way and lost track of Miki.

I went started to walk back to look for her, but she called to say she had already made it home. She didn't seem mad about it.


  1. This dream means that you were trying to connect with friends you grew up with. You went to a place that was close by your childhood home, but the place (bar) was unfamiliar and odd, because that is how everything feels for you around here now. You don't feel the familiarity and closeness you once did. Then, you lost Miki, because you feel you have lost your local friends.

  2. Mom, this is why you're not allowed to read my dreams. Not only do your analyses often not make too much sense, they're always negative!! You never hear/read my dreams and are like "the sunshine means you're extremely content, and watching that unicorn do a backflip means your carefree and happy".

    But, keep on analyzing, I know you love it so. :)
