Monday, June 22, 2009


Dreamed Monday Night June 22

Ok I finally did it – I had a memorable dream on this trip with time in the morning to write it down. I have had plenty of good, strange dreams this trip – even had a good Planet Lazer one the other night – but I typically don't have the time to write it down since we're always having to go do stuff in the morning. Ah the burden of traveling, no time to update my dream blog, sigh.

So, I was kicking it outside some house in like a garden area. Janyce from Cal Poly was there and so was Kane along with some other people. We were all just hanging out and talking, climbing in a nearby tree and on the oddly shaped house. Beav showed up; someone dropped him off from a car. He had a hat on and looked like a little boy (not far from the truth, no offense Beav). I tried to tell Janyce who he was (worked with me at Thom Hume's, etc) and then he turned into a giant fish. Who apparently could breath air since he still just floated around near us.

He was probably a 60 pound fish with light blue skin. He had three eyes but one was gone. We asked him if we could touch his skin since it looked so strange; he was reluctant but said yes. I compared it to an elephant even though it felt nothing like an elephant. Then I sauntered down to a little amphitheater area where a bunch of girls from my class at All Saints were hanging out. Allison S., Christina, and a bunch of other people. We all laid down on the grass to watch something in the sky, though I'm not sure what.

Then my dad called on the phone. I wandered away from the group to talk to my dad, but he wanted to chat on Skype for some reason. I told him that I wasn't near a computer at all and that we'd have to Skype later but he wasn't happy about that for some reason. We were sort of just sitting on the phone in silence when my path was interrupted by a narrow bridge. It was only about as wide as one of my feet and paved in (a single width of) brick. I don't know why I felt I had to cross this bridge, but I did. There were handrails, but the ground below was probably 200 feet away so I was still wary (I'm scared of heights).

As I crossed the bridge the path widened (and at some point I was not on the phone with Dad anymore). At the end there was the French couple who was on our tour this weekend and they were being instructed by some guy to squash the worms. Looking back on the path there were tons of worms and snails and we were supposed to squash them all. I was grossed out. The couple had been given some instrument to do the squashing, but I was just supposed to step on the worms. So we proceeded back over the bridge, me before the couple, and tried to squash the worms and snails as we went. I was totally disgusted because most of the worms were over a foot long and about an inch in diameter so you couldn't just squish them in one step, you just sort of bounced off them or squished part of them. I still kept trying but I was hoping that the couple behind me would have more luck since they had proper worm squashing instruments. Why do my dreams focus on the strangest things?

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