Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Baby

This dream started at the end of my pregnancy; I was about to have a baby. My stomach wasn't big at all and I was not prepared for this occurrence. I went through labor at the hospital and had my baby in three hours; I remembered none of it.

But I looked exactly like I do now right after having the baby. At least something went well.

I took my baby home. It had dark brown hair down to her shoulders and all her front teeth were in. She could talk in gibberish. She was, in essence, my niece. But she was mine. I wondered why she had such dark hair; Kane and I would surely have had a blond baby, right?

I didn't have a name for her. What should I name her? It was all so sudden. I like the name Taylor. Oh wait, I can't name her Taylor, that is my niece's name. I like the name Sophia. Sean's baby is named Sophia, that is so uncool to copycat. I'd have to think about it.

I got home and had nothing ready for a baby. Where was I supposed to put her when she was tired? I mounded some blankets on the floor but then thought better of it (she could just roll right off!) and held her again. What did I feed her and when? I did not seem to have any breast milk (I checked), what was going on?

Jenny had put the doors to my closet back on to replace the curtain I had because she knew that would keep the baby out of there for me. Jane had bought formula and put it in the refrigerator. Mom had replaced the giant TV stand and CRT TV with a flat screen so I'd have more room in the bedroom. Kane was around but for some reason I was the only one taking care of this baby. I didn't want a baby right now, would I have to quit my job? Could we afford all the stuff she needed? It was a terrible thing to have sprung on you.

I woke up completely drenched in sweat and sighed a HUGE sigh of relief that it wasn't true. No babies for me yet...and I'd at least like nine months to contemplate stuff when it happens, thank you very much.

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