Friday, March 5, 2010

Dry Swimming

Many dreams occurred last night, Japan sleep is quite restless so far. I had two memorable dreams, the first was about the swim team in high school. I hate swim team dreams, they are never good. This was no exception.

I was not in high school, but no one had shown up for a swim meet and they wanted me to compete just to get a full relay team going. And by full relay team, they apparently meant me and one other girl (Sandy) who used to be on the swim team with me. We alternated in the 200 Medley relay, which is not actually allowed with 2 people in real life: she kicked it off with back, I did breast, she did fly (though I had to remind her that was what she was supposed to do) and I finished up with my standard contribution of freestyle.

The only problem was that there was no water in the pool, and really, no pool. We just wiggled on our bellies on a flat concrete surface, not unlike the smooth surface of a garage in a house. We mimicked the motions of the strokes as best we could on our bellies and it was both difficult and embarrassing. And I noticed that the other team didn't even have anyone competing, so it was our coach just cheering Sandy and me on. So ridiculous.

The second dream involved a wedding where I forgot to invite my friends, Adam was all mad at Jane, and I wore a horribly uncomfortable and inappropriately tight and short dress under my full dress that was more like a robe. We were supposed to play laser tag at the reception, but the employees of the facility never showed up. Wah. I hate wedding dreams. :)


  1. Enjoy the trip (while awake, anyway)

  2. I figured it was you; I think you're my only reader :)
