Monday, March 22, 2010

Green Boots and a Flashlight

Dreamed Night of Feb 4, 2010

My aunt Jane and I were on something like a pier on a lake next to mountainous terrain. It was similar to the coast of central California with cold air, big green evergreens, and pretty, steep hills. There was no beach; the sea just lapped on to the foot of the hills and the dirt and forest began abruptly.

I left Jane briefly and took a jet ski over to another dock on the lake; the lake was as rough as ocean. I docked and ran up some stairs on the hill to meet my Grandmam at a rustic cabin where she was apparently staying. It think she owned the place in the dream, though she owned no such place in real life. I don't remember talking with her, but I think we exchanged pleasantries and then I went back to get Jane now that I knew where we were to go.

I offered Jane the jet ski this time (it only held one person) and I hiked the dirt path that wound through the hillside forest to get back to Grandmam's house. My way would take a lot longer, but that's ok.

As I started up the hill, a voice called out from entrance to the forest. I could see someone was tucked away into some of the rocks to my right, but I could not see their face because they were fully shrouded in a black cloak. Plus it was getting dark and I could not see well in the tree cover. I think the man had a dog (German Shepherd?) with him too. It was creepy but not so scary that I felt threatened or felt like I had to turn around.

This hard-to-see man told me that I will need a flashlight and that he would loan me one. I said ok, but he said it's too early and that I had to wait. I already had a flashlight, so I went ahead. I realized a few minutes into my hike that Jane will not be able to see where she's going in the dark on the water. I hoped she had a light or at least was doing ok since there wasn't much I could do now.

As I hiked, I noticed a little plastic track that was about two feet wide adjacent to the trail that the weird man used to transport flashlights to people who were already walking the trail. Not only did he give them a flashlight...he would also send a pair of green boots. I watched as a pair of green boots and matching green flashlight hovered about an inch off the track and flew down the track, assumingly to meet their new owners. It was strange.

About halfway down the trail, I found a small village that was exactly on the trail. As in, the trail led into the buildings of this village - dead ended right at a door to a house which was unlocked. Somehow I knew that I was supposed to go in the house to continue on the trail.

I went through door after door going through every house in the village; I thought it was a rather invasive way of traversing this town. The last room had a bed with people sleeping in it; that was a bit awkward.

As I continued down the trail, the batteries of my flashlight started to falter and the light became dimmer and dimmer. I was hoping that my flashlight and boots would arrive on the little track soon so that I wouldn't be left in complete darkness.

I either woke up or my brain moved on before I ever reached my destination or found out if Jane got to Grandmam's ok.

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