Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Crossword Puzzle Test

Dreamed: Wednesday Night April 8

I was taking a test, like in school. Oh yeah, aren't school dreams always fun? Why am I never living it up in school dreams? Like skipping class and wearing awesome clothes and hanging with all my rad friends? No, I'm always pants-less or didn't study for a test or am suddenly on stage in a play that I don't know anything about. I digress.

I was in a class taking a test. It was a one page test, front and back. Like two minutes after we receive the tests, Shaun O'neil (resident smart kid at our high school, sorry Jon) returns the test to the teacher - finished. I was thinking, ok, if Shaun did it in 2 mins, I should have no problem finishing in time. I am a freaking genius, after all, even if a 2nd class one.

I finish the test, but realize there's a crossword on the back. That's weird, but I should be able to manage. The clues are on the front while the part you fill in is on the back - already irritating. The puzzle doesn't make any sense. It does not follow regular cross word puzzle rules that people in the world are familiar with. I could not figure how Shaun would have finished so fast.

I'm getting stressed - there's no way I can finish this in time, the thing makes no sense! And then the dream got odd and I find a fish or some sort of sea creature struggling for life on a shelf in a bedroom and I decide that I should bring this creature back to class and offer it to the teacher in exchange for my botched crossword puzzle test. The creature turns out to be a mermaid. I'm not sure if the teacher counted it toward my grade or not.

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