Monday, February 16, 2009

AK on the Airplane

Dreamed: Monday Night February 16

I'm not sure where we were flying, but we were in the plane on the runway, ready to go. The plane was a really big one and every other row of seats was turned around so you could look at the people behind you. Which was nice because I was there with a group of friends (no idea which ones) and this way we could all chat on the plane.

Cedric the Entertainer was the plane's captain, though he was seated in the middle of the plane instead of in the cockpit. He was yelling at everybody to sit down because we can't take off if everyone isn't seated. But he wasn't using the microphone, he was just yelling it out loud.

The plane started to take off, then Cedric got all in a fuss and set the plane back down on the runway. A girl had gotten up out of her seat, so he had had to land again. He yelled at her, then tried again to take off. My friends and I made snide comments about her for being so stupid. Why would you stand up when the plane was taking off? The same girl got up again, looking totally clueless. She was seated in the back row, and was a small asian girl. I couldn't figure out why she would keep getting up; she did not even appear to be heading toward the bathroom.

After Captain Cedric yells at her a second time, I watch her go into the bathroom and start to assemble an AK-47 gun. There was a little window in the bathroom door (pretty rude, remind me to complain to the airline) where I could see her assembling the gun. I almost thought it was funny because, how did this little girl smuggle in a gun the size of my leg?

We all see her doing this and get under our seats (for some reason it's possible to fit under these plane seats, and we feel this is the best defense at this point). I pull my backpack near the side of me so there is only a little bit of me exposed. I watch as the girl walks down the aisle slowly.

Cedric is trying to talk her down. I keep thinking she's just going to shoot him, but he keeps talking to her, telling her to not be stupid and step off the plane with him. She keeps walking toward Cedric, but then turns to my aisle. I believe it was a guy named Matt from my high school who she was targeting; he was sitting kitty corner to me, huddled under his chair. She pointed the gun at his back; I realized he was the one making fun of her the most audibly before.

I also then realized that she just gave him the chance to be a hero: he turned, in slow motion, and grabbed the gun from her, knocking her down in the process. He had totally saved the day from this unprepared terrorist girl.

Somehow Cedric had been injured in all this hubbub and I took it upon myself to assist him as we left the plane. The stairs we were using to disembark were not a regular set of airplane stairs on wheels, but were somehow a large set of Roman-esque stone steps. They were very nice, if I do say. I was practically carrying Cedric down the stairs, surely a comical sight.

When we got to the bottom, Cedric was magically someone else's concern and my friends and I were in a stone paved square in what seemed like a nice European town. There was a woman in the square, and she was one of the only people around. She was immense; at least 6' tall, and wearing 6"+ heels. We approached her and realized it was Nicole Kidman. She looked very odd - way too smiley to be standing there alone in short shorts, ridiculous heels, and like a bonnet or some weird hat.

Suddenly I was a "character" in my own dream again, sort of a hillbilly type, and I decided that it was "in character" for me to take a picture of Nicole. So I took some pictures, but I made sure they weren't terribly good ones (didn't zoom in or make sure I was at a good angle or anything) because my character surely would have taken only mediocre photos.

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