Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Parties and Olympics

Dreamed: Tuesday Night February 17

Three separate dreams:

1) We're having a patented "family party" at my mom's house in Hayward. The party is in full swing and most of my extended family is there, including my Grandmam (in real life, she passed away a few years ago). For some reason I only bought one two-liter of Mountain Dew for everyone to drink. I was just becoming aware of this as I watched my Grandmam drink a glass of Mountain Dew, which was amusing since she would usually limit herself to more dignified beverages like tonic water.

Noting the deficiency in refreshments, Tiffany and I decide to go to the weird nearby corner store/party shop for some Sprite. This place (a fictional establishment) was a one room store that sold flowers, cards, balloons, streamers, and assorted other nonsense. I thought they'd have soda for some reason, which they did, but they were fancy sodas in strange bottles. I asked the clerk if they had Sprite and she showed me to the closest thing they had: ginger ale in a fancy, three foot tall glass bottle. In reality, I'm not sure if I could have carried the thing home.

2) It was night time and I was downstairs in a dingy house where a party was going on. There were lots of people around, the lights were dim, loud music pulsing - the standard. I don't remmeber being there with anyone in particular, but I wasn't self conscious about being alone either. There was suddenly some sort of emergency that required everyone to evacuate, but it must have been a drill or something because no one was very panicked or rushed. I was one of the last to leave; I think I was helping evacuate everyone properly. I vaguely remember adorning some sort of vest for this purpose. On my way out, I passed Vida Soto and gave her a high five.

3) I was in the audience at an Olympic event. This event does not really exist; it was a ridiculous setup that was basically men's gymnastics - like the parallel bars or the rings or something - but these acts were performed about 10 stories up in the air over a really big pool. The strange thing (stranger) was that the audience couldn't really see what was going on because all the seats were under an overhang that made up the walls of the giant cyllindrical atrium where this athlete was performing. So basically, there was a large, very deep, circular pool and a tall atrium shaft directly above it. At the top of this shaft, some guy is doing gymnastics. The audience is tucked into a ring around the pool at the bottom, such that there is no direct line of sight between the audience and the gymnist.

The really tricky part about this event though, is that the gymnist has to climb the walls to get up to the top to do his tricks. And before he climbs, he stands at the edge of the pool, right in front of the audience, and a member of the audience (me, this time) hands him some hairs (like ones that I shed from my head - oh god, they're in my dreams too - they're everywhere!) which he has to use to climb up the atrium. Yes, he had to use hairs, no, I have no idea what that even means.

I remember hearing one of the other audience members saying that the hard part about this event is doing it in front of a crowd, which I thought was odd because the guy couldn't even see the crowd from the top of the atrium; it's not like it was in a normal stadium. When the gymnist finished his routine, he dropped through the air for about 100 feet and into the deep pool below. I thought it was odd even in the dream.

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