Thursday, February 26, 2009

Flying with Medieval Worf

Dreamed: Thursday Night February 26

I watched someone get sucked into a standing ring of fuchsia goo that was a gateway to another world. Similar to Stargate, the movie (or the tv show), or going into an instance in World of Warcraft. I decided that I should go into the ring of goo also, and was whisked away to a medieval world of stone walls and walkways. I was outside on a sunny day with my partner in crime, who turned out to be Commander Worf, in a sort of castle complex, like in the game Ico or Neverwinter Nights (apparently I play too many video games).

We were walking around looking for "bad guys" to fight. Before long we had entered a court yard where I was flying over the grassy landscape using my magic dust powder, which did in fact appear to be light blue glitter. A sorceress appeared in the courtyard as the light dimmed to sunset. She took all of our magic items and we were scared and didn't know what to do. Worf and I climbed up on a ledge that led to another level of the castle. She flew over to meet us there and we were able to bargain with her to return some of our stuff.

Worf started taking a bit more of his stuff back from the lady when she wasn't looking; he's quite daring (today is a good day to die!). Then he confused and surprised me when he took more than half of his magic powder and mixed it in a beaker with some liquid to make neon green goo. I didn't know what it was for, but I figured it had to be good for him to use up most of his magic powder.

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