Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Space Buildings

Dreamed: Tuesday Night February 10

I was designing a 20 story steel building in an unknown location. It wasn't supposed to be unknown, I'm just not sure where it was going to be built. I was not enthused about the design thus far. I was going over this mullion design with the architect (mullions are small columns between window panes) and realized that I did not design the mullion for the loads from all the stories above it. For some reason I had only put the weight of the floor directly above onto the member, though I didn't seem to care much.

The architect put my structural information into some fancy computer program he had which made a 3-D cartoon-style drawing of the building. My mullions were shimmering and jiggling in the program, which meant that they were about to buckle which was because I didn't design them right. I was going to fix them at some point and felt a bit stupid for not doing it correctly.

Suddenly I was in space. Like free-floating in the orbit of space looking down on the earth. I was not noticeably in a space suit, nor was I suffocating or falling toward earth. I was looking down onto that building that was now being built down on the earth's surface. Scott Taylor was with me, he was the astronaut who had escorted me into space.

I thought to myself, 'See? Anyone can be an astronaut, you just need to work for other commercial companies rather than NASA'. Scott and I watched as my building was built (for some reason we could see up close on the area where the building was) and as smoke and fire rose up on other parts of the earth. I assume the fire and burning is due to the current fires burning down Victoria, but in my dream they looked more bomb-ish than fire-ey. So it goes.

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